
The establishment owns two of the biggest, best and most developed chicken hatcheries in the Middle East, with a production capacity estimated at 85,000,000 eggs.

Egg is classified by type, age and fitness for hatching using state of the art machinery after having the egg rest for 48 hours, then sterilized, after which it is brought in incubators under suitable temperature and humidity for 18 and a half days. Temperature and humidity are controlled in the incubators through modern machinery as per the fetus requirements, and are changed during this period. Egg temperature is measured using “upper survey”. After incubation period, the egg is vaccinated against diseases using special international machines, then brought to the egg hatcheries for 3 days, where hatching is made using specialized technology.

Finally, healthy chicks are separated and sent to our farms for nursing and care in order to transfer them to broiler chicken farms.

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